Here are some more images from Robert Randall Productions photo shoot for CW-X Compression Gear photographed at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater in Morrison, CO. Courtney Hope (Actress – The Bold and The Beautiful) and Nick Denbeigh were our athletes for this part of our two day shoot. Both of them came to us from one of my favorite talent agencies to cast from It Model Management in Orange County, CA.
Visit us at Robert Randall Productions

As usual we were in a “run and gun” situation all day long, both days which meant we had to keep equipment to a minimum. I shot with Nikon D750 (to keep the size down) and a AF-S Nikkor 24 – 70mm F2.8G zoom lens and a AF-S Nikkor 70 – 200mm f2.8G ED VR II exclusively since, once again there was little time to be changing lenses all day.

For lighting at Red Rocks we used four Profoto B1X 500 Air Monolights along with one Profoto Beauty Dish and a Profoto Medium Soft Box. We also shot much of the day bare bulb as the light from B1X 500’s is really beautiful with out modifiers. My assistants were Drew Bennett and Frankie Spontelli. BOTH of these guys are insanely talented shooters so check our their respective web sites and Instagram Feeds.

Once again, special thanks to Karina Connelly (the brilliant Brand Director at CW-X ) for the opportunity. Also our incredible talent and my awesome assistants for going way up and above what I expected and for making this shoot so incredible and finally to the great folks at Red Rocks who let us take over their venues and play for the day.

We are preparing right now for another shoot with CW-X the first week in November in Southern California.
So watch this space…