I’ve had an idea for a documentary film and book project floating around in my head for over a decade now. For whatever reason, Direct Experience has never come to fruition. Either I was too busy with other projects, the money or the resources weren’t readily available or I was just distracted and ended up putting it back on the shelve.
This feels like the right time to make this happen so I am going to chronicle my progress here on my blog and on social media as a way to capture all of the processes, fits and starts, craziness and drama that I foresee putting this together and share it with you. There are two key reasons for doing this:
1) I want to be able to look back and see just what made this work (or fail) and use it as a learning experience for the next project.
2) Use it as a way to keep my feet to the fire this time. I learned a long time ago that making a public commitment is key to keeping my promises to myself.
I hope you’ll comment and make suggestions along the way so this becomes a “collaborative” project. So to start off I need help with two items. I am casting professional and semi-professional athletes as the key subjects of this project. Any discipline will do. It can be extreme athletes such as rock climbers or base jumpers or technical athletes such as tennis players or golfers and anything in between. If you are an athlete interested in being part of this project or if you can recommend someone please email us at production@robertrandall.com.
Secondly, I am looking for a “co-producer” with a background in screenwriting and script development. I am not a writer (which is likely quite evident by now), so I need someone to help co-produce this project with the skills that I just don’t have. Again, please email production@robertrandall.com with any suggestions.
So here goes… the first rough, incomplete, top of mind pre-production notes I made this morning over my first cup of coffee.
I hope you’ll join me on my journey…
Robert Randall
Avon, CO
February 12, 2016