Everyday we get new inquiries from independent fitness professionals such as personal trainers, coaches, models, competitors, boutique gyms and specialty training facilities. More often than not the first question we get is “I need some pictures, what is your rate”? The problem with that question is that it doesn’t tell you anything about the photographer’s capabilities and more importantly, it doesn’t provide you with a solution to “your problem”.
What problem you ask?
Whatever problem you are trying to fix with new images.
If you’re a personal trainer that problem is likely attracting new clients. But who are your clients? What modalities are you training in? Is this going to be for a new web site? What’s your philosophy about training? How are you unique?
If you’re a fitness model you might be looking for an agent? Beside’s being fit and beautiful (if you’re competing for gig’s in Southern California that’s just the starting point). What are your specific skills? Basketball, track & field, bodybuilding, triathlon, etc…
If you’re a competitor when is your next show? Are you a body builder, fitness, bikini? What is the best aspect of your physique and how do you want to show that off in pictures.
All of these criteria make up your own unique “personal brand”. As a professional photographer it’s my job to craft images around your specific needs and goals so that at the end of the day you have a series of pictures that not only show off how amazing you look but fully differentiate you from the pack in the extremely competitive world of fitness. The result is Brand Specific Imagery.
“Brand Specific Imagery” is unique to you and your brand and answers the question…
“What is it about your specific talent, physique, training method/modality and philosophy that makes you unique in this highly competitive market?
Here are the questions I ask my clients before we ever schedule a shoot and the questions you should be asking yourself before you pick up the phone to contact a photography professional.
What is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? What about your service/offering is unique to the marketplace? How is your training style unique? You’re philosophy? What specific skills can you show off?
What physical/personal traits do you want to highlight? Are you a Bodybuilder? Triathlete? Cross Fit Athlete? What aspect of your physique do you want to show off?
Who are you trying to attract? If you’re a personal trainer, who are your clients? What possible needs might they have? (I.E. Weight Loss, Endurance Training, Flexibility, etc…).
What kind of environment do you want to shoot at? Do you want to shoot at an outdoor location? Beach? Mountains? Desert? Downtown? What about the gym? Do you have a favorite gym? What kind of gym?
Will there be other people in the images? If you’re a personal trainer do you want shots of you training an individual, a group?
How many final images will you be needing? Specific formatting (Vertical vs Horizontal), for Instagram? FaceBook? Prints?
What is your budget? Production Value (the overall quality and uniqueness of an image) is directly affected by the resources we can bring to shoot? Special lighting equipment? Unique locations? Hair & Make-Up, Props, Additional Crew, etc…
What is your outcome? Do you want to attract new clients? Is this for your new web site? Are you trying to attract an agent? Which agent? If this just for fun?