Once again CW-X Compression Gear gave us the opportunity to shoot both their Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Campaigns for 2019. Our athletes this time came from Denver and Los Angeles. We had Maggie Ecker who came to us from Wilhelminadenver and Courtney Hope (Actress – The Bold and The Beautiful), Chris Reid and Nick Denbeigh, all from one of my favorite talent agencies to cast from It Model Management in Orange County, CA. Seriously, if you’re looking for great talent and some really great people to work with please call Linda or Marlene at IT. You won’t be disappointed. Hair/Make-up/Men’s grooming provided my immensely talented wife Dawn Randall. We shot at two amazing locations; Project Move Gym in Denver, CO and the always awesome place to shoot, Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater in Morrison. CO.
Visit us at Robert Randall Productions

All of our talent was extraordinary but I have to say the some of the moves, jumps, twists and turns that Courtney pulled out just blew us away. I’d say something lame like ” try something different” and then I couldn’t shoot fast enough. Unfortunately, much of the line hasn’t been release yet so I can’t show a lot of the insane work that our talent did… watch this space for more.

As usual we were in a “run and gun” situation all day long, both days which meant we had to keep equipment to a minimum. I shot with Nikon D750 (to keep the size down) and a AF-S Nikkor 24 – 70mm F2.8G zoom lens and a AF-S Nikkor 70 – 200mm f2.8G ED VR II exclusively since, once again there was little time to be changing lenses all day.

For lighting at Project Move we used four Profoto B1X 500 Air Monolights along with one Profoto Beauty Dish, A Profoto Medium Soft Box and two Profoto strip lights with grids. My assistants were Drew Bennett and Frankie Spontelli. BOTH of these guys are insanely talented shooters so check our their respective web sites and Instagram Feeds.

At Red Rocks we shot almost exclusively with two Profoto BWX 500 Air’s. One bare bulb and one with a Profoto Beauty Dish. This setup allowed us to work super fast while shooting the action plus the high speed sync and using the heads without modifiers allowed us to compete with the sun and produce some beautiful shots.

Special thanks to Karina Connelly (the brilliant Brand Director at CW-X ) who gives me these amazing opportunities and puts up with my impatience (on occasion). Thank you so much Karina. Also our incredible talent and my awesome assistants for going way up and above what I expected and for making this shoot so incredible and finally to the great folks at Project Move and the folks at Red Rocks who let us take over their venues and play for the day.